Reduce operating costs with smart automation
Supporting asset management with smart automation can result in additional savings. You can see the challenge we have faced with this in two examples.
Supporting asset management with smart automation can result in additional savings. You can see the challenge we have faced with this in two examples.
The patent holder does not want to release all technical details to users about patented processes.
Owners of biogas plants want more efficiency from their installations. Process experts can contribute to this because they can learn a lot from process differences between multiple biogas production sites. On the basis of collected measurement data, the efficiency of installations can be considerably increased through timely adjustments.
Electricity generated by windmills an solar panels can not yet be properly buffered for large-scale use.
Injecting biogas in the natural gas grid can be risky. The quality must be right and must continuously monitored. For the financial transaction for the delivered gas also the flow needs monitoring.
Smart metering can generate valuable data enabling more efficient control of installations.